Tour Guide, ParisSo, entomologists will recognize from my name my roots are Welsh, I was born and brought up in Cornwall, Poldark country if you’ve read the books, or followed the series.
From 1979 to 2013 I worked buying and selling Comic Books, first in London and then in Paris, helping it expand from a geek niche to mainstream, though I can’t lay claim to any part of its conquest of the Multiplex. By 2013 the Parisian Comic Book industry realized it could prosper without me and I was looking for a new adventure but here in the City of Light with my French partner.
(Question just about any of our staff and it’ll be love for a French person or culture which brought them here and holds them here.)
My partner noticing I was both relatively fit and had few problems speaking in public steered me towards Fat Tire in spring 2014, the rest is me telling history. Actually I should expand, it is a pleasure working for Fat Tire, the team is young, brimming with enthusiasm and professionalism and one is introducing – or enhancing visitors appreciation of – one of the World’s most beautiful and compelling cities.
I have three grow up children in London, an endless source of pride, joy and of course concern.
I’m an exercise addict, it started in my teens as a rugby player and just as well given the proximity of the excellent food and drink here!
Other addictions include reading, preferably quality fiction, history and trying to understand what is happening around us. Also, travel, my partner has wander lust, so I’ve wandered mountain trails in N Africa and S America as well as Europe, deserts on four Continents, hiked Canyons, ridden a lost train in India and eaten Tarantula in Cambodia keeping her company and being enthralled.
Languages Spoken : 1.5 ( Languages why 1.5, well I get by in French but still mangle conjugation, call me the French Resistance.)
Favourite Country to Visit: USA Favourite Tour: Versailles Bike Tour